Renalware User Guide Released
A new “Renalware User Guide” has just been released. It provides new hospital users with an introduction to the Renalware interface and functionality.
Topics covered include:
The Guide may be downloaded as a PDF or viewed online here.
Renalware Launched at Mid and South Essex NHS Foundation Trust
In January 2021 Mid and South Essex NHS Foundation Trust selected Airslie Ltd’s Renalware 2.0 for the newly-merged Mid Essex, Basildon & Thurrock University and Southend Hospitals.
After months of collaboration by the Airslie and MSE IT teams, Renalware was launched at the three trust hospitals over the weekend of 4-5 December 2021. The process had been automated and tested nightly before the actual launch; this included the crucial data migration scripts which imported the legacy data from the three different sites. (One site was running Proton and the other two used eMedRenal.)
The Renalware version installed at MSE contains numerous new features including most notably: SNOMED encoding of problem lists, a “nagging” function for special patient alerts, and dynamic charting of pathology and other data. (The complete Renalware features and technical specifications can be found on the Renalware 2.0 page.)
Renalware Selected by Mid and South Essex NHS Foundation Trust
In September 2020 Mid and South Essex NHS Foundation Trust began a selection process to choose a Renal Information System for Mid Essex, Basildon & Thurrock University and Southend Hospitals. These three hospitals were merged on 1 April 2020 to create the new MSE Foundation Trust which serves more than 1.2 million people and is one of the largest NHS Trusts in the country.
MSE provides acute renal inpatient care at Basildon and outpatient and dialysis services at all three hospital sites. There are more than 500 haemodialysis patients treated in four dialysis centres and 300 transplant patients under long-term follow-up.