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User Functions

Registration & Passwords

New User Registration

If you have not used Renalware previously and are not registered as a User, you need to create an account. Click on the Sign Up link on the login screen. All fields need to be completed. Best to make your user name the same as your Windows login. Your email address should be your work email (NHS.NET) and this is required for Password reset if you forget your password.

Once you have completed the fields, Save and your account will be created. An Administration user will then be able to activate your account and set your level of access (e.g. Read Only, Clinical, Prescriber etc).

Update Profile

Once you can access your account, you can update your Profile at any time. You access this via your Username at the top of any screen and scroll down to Update Profile.

Forgotten Password

If you forget your password, you can click on the Forgotten Your Password? link on the Login screen and you will be sent an email enabling password reset for your account.

Password Resets

Per National Cyber-Security Centre guidelines, Renalware does not enforce regular password resets. At each login and on the User dashboard it displays the date and time of the last Log In by the user.

User Dashboard

Whenever you login to Renalware, the system will display your own Dashboard. This lists outstanding letters, bookmarked patients, any patient messages sent to you by other users and any Renalware letters which have been electronically copied to you.

Main user dashboard
Main user dashboard

The dashboard can be accessed at any time by clicking on one’s username in the main menubar. This displays various User options as follows:

User dropdown menu options
User dropdown menu options

User’s Letters

Letters you have as author or typist which are in draft or awaiting review will appear on your dashboard. Once letters are completed and signed off (Archived), they will disappear from your dashboard. Archived letters are visible through the Letters section so secretaries can use this to print off completed letters (individually or as a batch print). Once printed the letters are marked as Completed.

User’s “Bookmarks”

Bookmarks are a way of creating a list of patients for your personal use with notes to highlight outstanding jobs, awaited results or other issues as you wish. These patients remain bookmarked until you mark the bookmark as completed.

Renalware Messaging

It is possible to message other Renalware users about individual patients and these messages will appear on that user’s Dashboard until they mark the message as Read. Messages are also displayed on the individual patient’s Clinical Summary screen.

CC’ed Letters

Renalware letters can be copied electronically to any Renalware user and these letters appear on the user’s Dashboard. They can be signed off as Read when they will disappear from the Dashboard.

Renalware “Snippets”

Snippets are a useful and flexible way to maintain a collection of text content which can be used virtually anywhere text entry is required — most typically in Letters and Events.

Snippets are managed via the User’s main dropdown menu (see above screenshot), where they can be created, edited, duplicated (“cloned”) and deleted. Hovering over a snippet title in the list gives a preview of the content:

Snippets list with hover “preview”
Snippets list with hover “preview”

To avoid having to create common snippets (e.g. Letter templates) from scratch, each user has access to the entire list of snippets created by all users. These can then be added (and edited if need be) to a user’s own collection.

Snippets listing using the “Everyone’s” option
Snippets listing using the “Everyone’s” option

Forms where the use of snippets is enabled will have the “Insert snippet” option at right:

New Event form with “Insert snippet” option
New Event form with “Insert snippet” option

Choosing this option will produce a pop-up window with searchable Snippets lists:

“Insert snippet” pop-up window
“Insert snippet” pop-up window

It is best regularly to “prune” the list of snippets to remove obsolete ones and reduce the list sizes.

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