Renalware User Guide -- Patient Functions
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Patient Functions
Clinical Summary
Whenever a patient is selected, clicking on the patient’s name takes one to the Clinical Summary screen. This is designed to display a range of useful information for clinicians. At the top, basic demographic information and the patient’s current Modality are shown. Below that is a bar which shows a selection of the most recent blood results and clinic observations. Any Alerts about the patient and any Clinical Studies for which they have been recruited are also displayed in this area.

Problems List
The next section shows the patient’s clinical Problems list and current Prescriptions. The Problems list displays a mixture of SNOMED Diagnoses and Procedures and free text Problems which are entered on the Problem list screen (SNOMED problems are highlighted in blue). Problems can be edited or archived as required. The order of the Problems is as entered but this can altered by dragging Problems to be higher or lower in the list using the widget at far right.

The main Prescriptions screen for a given patient can be accessed from the Clinical Summary or from the left gutter at any time.

Filtering Prescriptions
The Prescriptions screen includes a filtering option to enable display of only one class of drugs (e.g. anti-hypertensive agents). Use the dropdown options to select the desired filter(s).

Filters act on both the current and historical prescriptions.

This is a powerful tool to use with patients who have been on a variety of drugs over long periods of time.
Adding Prescriptions
Renalware uses the DM+D drug list from NHS England so drugs are chosen from a searchable drop down list and drug selection then dictates drug form and route of administration.

Each drug has a Start Date and a Stop Date can be entered if required. Drugs can be recorded to be given on HD although this option is only available to Users who are allowed to prescribe on HD.
Any drug which is terminated then appears in the historical Medications section and the display can be filtered to show only certain classes of drugs (see above). Note that if the dose of a medication is changed, the previous prescription is displayed in the historical list.
Patient Letters, Events, and Consults
Below the current Problem list and Prescriptions section is a display of the most recent 10 letters on Renalware with the most recent at the top. The display shows a summary of the letter information although the text can be expanded or the whole letter viewed easily.
Below the Letters, the patient’s recent Events and any Consults (patient reviews when under a non Renal team in the hospital) are shown with again a summary which can be expanded as required.
Clinical Profile
The Clinical Profile (found in the left gutter) is used to enter and display general information about the individual patient including Named Consultant, Named Nurse, Hospital Site if relevant, Preferred Place of Death, whether Diabetic and Alcohol and Smoking history. In addition, Allergies, Virology data including vaccinations, Swabs, Dry Weights, Clinical Frailty Scores and Advanced Care Plans can be seen and entered on this screen.
For patients who have died, information about their death including Place of Death can be recorded.
Dietitians can enter Body Composition data on this screen as well.