Renalware User Guide -- Navigation & Searching
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Navigation and Searching
Main Menu
There is a horizontal menubar of generic functions at the top of most screens (with your user name at the left and Help on the right). If you place the mouse cursor over each function, it displays a drop down list of the options associated with that function so whatever is required can be selected. (Certain Admin-level users will have additional options displayed.)

The Main Menubar options include:
- Quick Search
- [username]
- Renal
- PD
- HD
- Tx
- MDMs
- Reports
- Patients
- Directory
- Admin
- Log out
- Help
Note: Admin options only appear for users with admin-level privileges.
Of course most Renalware users will only need to use a subset of these menu options. The User’s menu bar icon indicates if there are any new messages.
“Left gutter”
When a patient has been selected, a selection of screens and functions related to that patient is displayed in the left gutter with General Clinical Summary at the top and covering Modalities, Transplantation and specialist functions such as add or remove Bookmark or Worry or Send a Message. The Left Gutter can be toggled (hidden or displayed) by clicking on the 3 vertical dots to the left of the patient’s name.

At the bottom of the left gutter are additional patient options and other actions:

Quick Patient Search
At the top left of every screen is a Search area to find individual patients. If you click on this area, you can search for patients by Name or any of their hospital numbers. For example “Smith,John
” will find all the patients called John Smith, “smith,j
” will find all patients called Smith with a first name starting with J and “Smi
” will find all patients whose surname starts with Smi. The name search is not ‘fuzzy’ so "Smith
” will not find Smythe but will find Smithe and Smithson. Searching by name is not case-sensitive.
Any of the patient’s hospital numbers including the NHS number can be searched for in the same field –- these require the exact number.
Once the search has been performed, the patient or list of patients who fullfil that Search is displayed and clicking on a patient’s name in that list takes one to the Clinical Summary page for that patient.
Groups of patients can be found through other screens – for example the HD MDM screen shows HD patients which can be filtered based on, for example, Dialysis Unit, HD Schedule and/or Named Nurse.
Note that one can “bookmark” any given patient, who will thereafter appear in your Bookmarks list on your Dashboard.
Worryboard Patients
Patients can be added or removed from the Worryboard and notes added; the Worryboard is similar to bookmarking a patient but the list is available to all Renalware users rather than just an individual user. Patients can be added to the Worryboard at the bottom of the left gutter. Patients on the Worryboard can be found through the Worryboard list under the Patients header in the top horizontal menu bar.

The Worryboard can then be filtered by Hospital Site, Category, Modality and the Worry creator.

The Directory is a list of all contacts for correspondence held within each site’s Renalware. It can include Clinicians, patients’ relatives and friends and any other individuals to whom one might want to copy patient letters. Many names in the Directory (e.g. relatives) may only be relevant to a single patient whereas many Clinicians may link to many different patients. Names are added directly to the Directory from the top menu bar and then are added to an individual patient’s contacts through the Contacts link in the Left Gutter for that patient.
When a Contact is added for a patient, they can be set up to receive copies of all letters (Default CC) and this can be edited through the Contacts list. When creating a letter for a patient it is easy to add any of a patient’s contacts to receive a copy of the letter or choose the Contact as the primary letter recipient.